Renewals in Servitoro, write us at In León bullring(dates will be confirmed).
Applications already available at or by calling +34 963308593. At the box office of the bullring from (dates will be confirmed).
Advance sale of single tickets at or by calling +34 963308593 and at the Bullring box office starts (dates will be confirmed).
To be confirmed
In the Bullring of León only bullfighting celebrations are held the last week of June, in honor of the feasts of San Juan and San Pablo and coinciding with the summer solstice. Since 1994 the cycle is composed of 3 bullfighting celebrations. A bullfight, a rejones and the traditional "Corrida Monstruo" (only held in León by Gustavo Postigo's invention). This popular celebration is formed by a poster of 8 bulls instead of 6 and 4 bullfighters instead of 3. It is the most relevant celebration of the fair and manages to gather annually the best of the bullfighting ladder.
León's Big Week runs from June 20th to 30. A week with an agenda full of celebrations, in every corner of the city you will find an event, get the City Council agenda to know hours and places. So you will find, in the Plaza Mayor, performances and garlic soup on the night of San Juan; in Regla Square, traditional fruit and vegetable market; in the Town Hall Square (Plaza San Marcelo) we can see the parades with giants and big heads; at the Fairgrounds: markets and dance competitions ... And throughout the city you will enjoy many concerts, music, fireworks and an immense contagious joy.